DB/Expo '95 San Francisco


ADB Inc. (MATISSE DBMS) is the only company able to provide reliable high-performance DBMS technology to meet the end user's needs when they want to launch new complex information systems managing millions of objects and tasks in intensive multi-user environments.

This ability explains the rapid growth of ADB Inc., the company which developed the MATISSE DBMS, and the opening of new ADB office locations around the world (Redwood Shores, Paris, and Tokyo) which will be supplemented by an extensive indirect sales network.

Many brilliant experts have joined the company during the last two months. MATISSE attracts an increasing number of major corporations who are building sophisticated information systems around MATISSE that were impossible to build on traditional relational or object technology.

As for multimedia data management, MATISSE is the only database product which offers a tremendous breakthrough for very rapid and powerful multimedia solutions.

Press and prospective clients are cordially invited to visit ADB Inc. (MATISSE DBMS) at DB/Expo Booth 1462 in San Francisco's Moscone Center, 2 - 4 May, 1995.

USA / Americas Europe / Africa Asia / Pacific
ADB Inc.
1 Twin Dolphin Drive
Redwood Shores, CA 94065

½Le Dôme╗
3 rue de la Haye, BP 10919
95731 Roissy Charles de Gaulle Cedex
Urban Toranomon Building
1-16-4 Toranomon
Minato-ku Tokyo 105
Phone: +1 (415) 610-0367
Fax: +1 (415) 610-0368
Email: info@adb.com
Phone: +33 (1) 48 64 72 73
Fax: +33 (1) 48 64 39 11
Email: info@adb.fr
Phone: +81 (3) 3593 34 31
Fax: +81 (3) 3593 34 32
Email: juvanon@iac.co.jp

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